
實用普通話語言培訓中心是一間歷史悠久,是目前香港規模最大的專門從事普通話的教學機構之一。二十年來,本校一直為本港各大中小企業和機構進行不同類型、不同形式的優質普通話培訓, 受到一致的好評。

本校教師: 均是北京或北方人, 母語為普通話, 具本科以上或碩士學位, 並擁有國家語委頒發之一級水準測試證書, 他們不僅教學經驗豐富,且十分熟悉本港學員的發音困難及需求, 同時具有敬業精神, 耐心熱情。

值得強調的是:本機構長期為政府機構、半官方機構,公益團體和跨國公司提供優質的普通話培訓並擁有良好的口碑和信譽,其中包括:香港懲教處,小童群益會,香港證監會,香港金融管理局,香港保險協會, 香港律師協會,澳洲領事館,加拿大領事館,歐盟,E-bay,泰國領事館,東華三院,香港中文大學, 浸會大學,庇護工廠,善道會, 迪士尼, 海洋公園,香港賽馬會,英華女學校,獅子會中學,香港運輸署,耀能學校,唐氏唐家軒,香港貿易發展局,免稅店, 瑪麗醫院,國家開發銀行等等。

課程內容:均根據各個企業的行政人員及專業人士對普通話的不同需求而設計, 切合學員日常行政、業務語言,尤其是處理中國事務上的需求, 課程內容與時併進, 從而增強公司整體的競爭力,並可按貴公司需要靈活安排課程模式,自選時間和地點。

Corporation Training

In the past 20 years we have been providing a wide range of quality customised training programmes for various corporations and non-profit making organizations to enhance and expand their competency at work. The school has established an identity as one of the leading professional in-hourse training institutions in Hong Kong.

Domains of training include a broad range of industries: banking & finance, sales & trading, asset management, legal, insurance, accounting, engineering, logistics, trading, property, retail and travel & hospitality.

Our programme trains your staff to learn not only effective ways of communication in Mandarin but also customer service, business etiquette and management skills which helps your business stay one step ahead of the competition. We take care of all aspects of the training process including the following professional services:

Course Inquiry

* Name:

* Tel:

* Email:

* Your first language:

  • English
  • Cantonese
  • Others

* Selected program:

  • Mandarin Course
  • Cantonese Course
  • 香港人普通話
  • 企業培訓課程

Your current level:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Course type:

  • Group
  • Private

Learning time:

  • Daytime
  • Evening
  • Weekend

Your message: